The goat farming and the cattle farming are a very popular animal farming types that practices all around the globe. Of them the goat farming promises high income and it is very easy to manage a goat farm. There are many types of goat breeds and types that are rearing all around the world. Some […]
Category: goats
In the world the goat farming and the cattle farming are more popular. The farmers rear these animals for various purposes including milk, meat, wool and so on. The goat farming plays a major role in the economy of the poor people normally. It is a great farming method to practice in small-scale as it […]
Cashmere Goats
Hi!! We all know that for wool and cloth production most of the time uses the goat wools. Among them cashmere wool which is used in the production of world-famous; especially in middle east and Asia, cashmere shawls and other products. These products from the cashmere wool are with high quality and are expensive too. […]
When raring goats for the purposes like milk, meat or hide there are some special husbandry techniques or the management practices that you should carry on your farms. These practices definitely help you to maintain your goat herd in better health conditions. As well this makes the management of the herd easy for you farmers. […]
Goat raring is more popular ruminant management practice practices by most of the small-scale farmers all around the world. This is mainly due to its profitability. The management of the goats is very easy process than that of the other ruminants like cattle. This promises higher profit with a lesser cost. As well the goat […]
Dairy Goats
Dairy Goat production is a very economical and an easy method of farming. Goat milk is rich with nutrition and the price of the milk is also higher comparatively with the other dairy milk. In addition to the goat milk, the goat meat also rich in nutrition than other most meat does and it also […]
Goats are generally considered as animals who can tolerate various weather conditions compared to cattle and horses. However, to ensure the security of goats and to prevent the exposure to adverse weather conditions it is always necessary to adapt to a suitable goat housing system as these extreme conditions can cause various respiratory infections and […]